We are the Church without a name!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Pray with your door shut!

Oaths were signed and pledges made as we went through one of three of the most stressful days teachers, administrators and students go through each year. I am glad it is over! I have 2 more to go!

While I was up "actively monitoring" my students, making sure they were all doing the right thing, I used my silence to pray for each and every child in my classroom. I lifted each one of them up by name, that they would not be stressed and that they would remember all the things they have been taught.

I laugh when people complain about the lack of prayer in school. People like to gripe about how there is no prayer in schools and schools have gone downhill every since they took prayer out of school. This is not true. All the teachers I have ever worked with in the last 10 years have been people of prayer. Teachers are a praying bunch of people. Many of my colleges admit to telling their students that they are praying for them.

If the only way we can pray is an organized public prayer with someone else leading it, I don't want it! Prayer in school is alive and well today, maybe better than ever. It's the silent prayer-Didn't Jesus have something to say about Silent Prayer? Something about closing your door and praying?

I freely admit to praying with the door shut today. Not to boast or to be seen by men, but to encourage you not to believe all the hype that the world crams down your throat. They want you to believe that the schools are bad, evil, that kids are bad. . . They are all lies! Schools are good, safe, and filled with Godly men and women that pray with the door shut.

Don't believe the lie that you can't pray in public schools today.

Pray with your door shut!


Unknown said...

Amen Matt! I could not agree more.