We are the Church without a name!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

One Update!

This came to me today and I wanted you all to see it. Pretty cool, God wants His people to be one!

We’ve been absolutely blown away by the response to One Prayer and want to thank all 1,500+ churches for your enthusiastic participation. Never did we dream that more than 800,000 believers would be fasting, praying, giving, and serving together this June! We’ve seen churches coming together in unprecedented ways, supporting each other, giving to each other, and joining forces for the most important battle we’ll ever face.

We’re not ready to stop. How about you? We’re already planning for a new global series like One Prayer that will take place in June 2009. Save the date and we’ll keep you posted with details as they develop.

But beyond that, we’ve seen God use One Prayer to spark conversation within churches around the world about how we can continue to work together to get even more accomplished. We’re thinking about how this can become a reality for the Church, and that’s where you come in.

We’d love to hear your ideas. If there’s one thing we’ve learned during this season, it’s that big things can happen when we team up—not just in carrying out plans, but in crafting those strategies together. What’s the best way to connect churches who want to continue sharing resources? How can we combine efforts on a regular basis to be even more effective in revealing God’s love? Get creative, think big, and let us know what you come up with!

Share your ideas here

Granger Community Church created an amazing video they used during the first week of the One Prayer series and we’re excited to let you know that they’ve made it available in a format to use in your church as well!

You can preview it here, and you’ll be able to download it from the One Prayer resource site soon.

As you head into your weekend experiences, here are some points about One Prayer to share with your church:

  • The fasting focus for this Tuesday will prayer for other churches.
  • Offering Celebration: we’re still gathering information about the offering totals from all the One Prayer churches combined, but you may want to celebrate the amount that your church will be able to contribute this week and announce the complete results next week.
  • This weekend is a great opportunity to celebrate what God has done through One Prayer so far: communities are starting to be transformed, prayers have been answered, miracles have occurred before our eyes, churches have been working together, and new partnerships have been formed. You can also share with them that we’re already gearing up for a new global series like One Prayer that will take place in June 2009.

Standing Together,
The One Prayer Team