We are the Church without a name!

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Freedom 1.0

As a parent, do we want our children to quake in deathly fear by our mere presence? Do we want children that don’t act until they are yelled and screamed at?

Of course not! We want children that chose our ways on their own, Children that decide on their own to follow our directives without being forced into submission.

So it is with God, He did not come down and force a lot of stuff on us. He doesn't come down here and yell and scream in our face to get us to do His will. He doesn't beat us into submission either. Instead he gives us freedom. He wants us to freely choose Him on our own.

When children chose to follow parents on their own, it shows the parents that they have their child’s heart. When a child does this on their own it makes the parents heart leap for joy at the thought of their children’s heart being so turned to their parents.

How much more does God’s heart leap when we chose His way?