We are the Church without a name!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Thanksgiving and Church

With Thanksgiving coming up around the corner, be thinking about the kind of life Jesus lived. Who did He hang out with? Who did He help?

Look around you, you may see some people you know that have no place to go for Thanksgiving, no family that will have them, family too far away. . . Invite them to your table to dine with your family. Are they not already family, after all aren't we all God's children?

Lets be so careful not to define ourselves by what we are or are not on Sunday mornings. In the end it matters not what kind of service we had what songs we sang, what we did with our hands...

If church is only about the style
the message
how it made me feel
Did I feel the Spirit. . .

I want NO part in that! Count me out! It is MUCH bigger than that, I pray that we never get hung up on this but instead focus on how we are all God's Royal Priesthood.

What matters is this, Do we love people the way Jesus loves them, do we serve others they way He did, Do we reach out to the outcast and make them feel welcome?