We are the Church without a name!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Looks Good On the Outside

The other night I had a dream that I was in a house that had a door that was open. Something inside me was driving me crazy that the door must be closed, so I walked across the house and closed the door, and fell back into deep sleep.

There are some brand new houses down the road from us that are finished inside and out but have not been sold. One in particular we keep riding by has been left wide open for weeks. I began to get concerned about this and called a number the sign in the front and let the real estate people know. They asked me if I would help secure the house for them.

I closed the open door of that house the day after I my dream. I had not made the connection until today. It dawned on me that this was a God thing and these events were connected.

The house is beautiful inside and out, but it is very stale and empty on the inside. It made me realize how we can have relationships with others that are like this house, shallow and empty. Sometimes the best thing to do is get up and close the door on those relationships. I now have a better understanding of what Jesus meant when he said "let the dead bury the dead." I never really knew what that meant. Today, for me, it means sometimes the best thing to do is close the door and move on when there are things that get in the way and slow you down in your walk God.

We don't cast the door in cement (permanently closing it) and do away with the door, the door is still there and could be opened from time to time at your choosing. God can change anything.

Do you have some doors in your life that you need to close?