We are the Church without a name!

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Living Stones

The words from 1 Peter 2:2-10 are so powerful! Aren't you glad that God chose to use living stones instead of dead stones!

What we are doing is messy at times. It would be much easier to go warm a pew, be patted on the back, punch our time card and go home to watch the cowboys. That's what we did for years. I have very little spiritual fruit in my life to show from this way of doing church. This yielded many superficial relationship that we not based in spiritual matters. But it was very easy and only required my warm body and not my heart.

God wants us to give HIM or hearts, then when we have done this and are fully pointing to HIM, HE then asks us to give of ourselves to others and pour ourselves into them. We are to be about people, not buildings, programs, and list of do's and don'ts.

It's hard when you get involved in others lives. We are investing in things of the kingdom. Eternal things that the GATES OF HELL can't Prevail against.



Billy Gurley said...

AMEN! It was an honor to be with all of you on Sunday. God is going to do great things with this Kingdom of Priests!m